Getting personal

How could I do a photography site without

including photographs of our precious little ones.

Shiloh and Zac.

They are an inherent part of our life,

and will make an appearance in posts from time to time…

Okay, a lot.

6 thoughts on “Getting personal”

  1. Elle est absolument délicieuse sur ces photos.

    Amazing pictures as always Annie ….époustouflant ton travail.

  2. I love her.

    and you


  3. Heather Rupp said:

    Awesome site – and such a gorgeous baby!!!

  4. Rustgold said:

    Since I can remember, your pictures are ALWAYS so awesome.
    Keep up the nice work.

  5. Coming from a friend who’s known me since high school, that means a lot! Thanks Martin!

  6. Dana Schriever said:

    So many SUPER CUTE expressions on Shilo’s face!! I have never seen her with no teeth!

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